We offer a variety of services to meet your resume needs

Entry Level – $399
If you are new to the workforce or a recent graduate, then “entry level” describes you best. Your resume will highlight your academic or volunteer achievements, and above all, having a clean, professional look will separate you from the pack. This package includes a resume in three formats (PDF, MS Word, and text).

Senior Level & Technical Resumes – $599
Are you the person who “fixes” all the problems at work? Are you the one who everyone relies upon? Do you have more than 10 years of experience and have trouble remembering all your accomplishments? Your resume will show the best of what you have done, highlight the amazing asset that you are, and make those recruiters or HR managers beat down your door.

Executive Level (Call for Quote)
You are director level, vice president, or CEO / CFO / CTO / COO. You know who you are, and simply do not have the time to write your own resume. We will develop your personal brand and ensure that your documents represent who you are, and what value you offer to the company that is lucky enough to have you.
Additional Services
LinkedIn Profiles
Statistics show that up 77% of HR managers will look at an applicant’s online presence before they decide to call you in for an interview. What kind of impression do you make? Utilizing LinkedIn can be crucial to securing the interview.
Cover Letters
These days, cover letters need to be memorable and have way more character than the ones your father wrote. A cover letter should make the HR manager want to learn more about you and motivate him/her to pick up your resume for a deeper look.
Professional Bio Writing
For the busy executive, writing a bio can be time consuming. We will write your bio for you, and because we already have your work history, the process is simple.
Job Search Coaching $100/hour
Let’s be real. Job searching is hard, confusing, and time consuming. We’ll teach you what rules to follow and which ones to break.
Interview Coaching $100/hour
Do interviews make you nervous? Do you freeze? There’s only one way to fix that. Practice. You’ll get one-on-one time with us and walk away ready to answer anything.
Expedited Services
For an additional fee, we offer expedited services. We drop everything else (remember “hot potato?”) and will finish the 1st draft within 72 hours.