I love LinkedIn. I spend a lot of time there answering questions from job seekers, networking, or even catching up with old friends. That said, I wrote about LinkedIn mistakes in my last blog, so I thought I’d keep rolling on!
If you’ve wondered if you’re doing something wrong on LinkedIn, then guess what…you probably are. I hate to be the one to break it you, but I’ll let you in on a little secret. The folks that find opportunities on LinkedIn are active. They comment. They post. They have opinions. And they let everyone know! Now, they might be sharing with the world in their headline, summary, or blog – but chances are – they have a point of view and they aren’t afraid to let people know.
Scary? Probably. But worth it just the same. Here are a few of the ways that people mess up this critical item.
Mistake #1… Failing to write in the first person. This is my biggest pet peeve on LinkedIn. Some of you might be too young, but remember when Bob Dole ran for president in 1996? He always referred to himself as Bob Dole. Not “I” or “me” or “my.” And you know what followed? Lots of Saturday Night Live skits followed by a resounding defeat to President Clinton.
It didn’t work for him and it won’t work for you, either.
Mistake #2… Not establishing a personal tone in your summary. The goal is to build a compelling profile that grabs attention and makes folks STOP and actually read, right? Then get personal (in a professional way, of course) and tell your story.
Remember Bob Dole? He didn’t get this memo, either.
Mistake #3… Not being specific. Throughout a career, there is typically a single defining moment. Or skill. Or accomplishment. Maybe it’s a certification, degree, or association. Whatever it is, it belongs in your summary.
Feel bad yet for Bob? He failed to communicate this, too. And lost.
Stay tuned for more. My rant will continue next week.