How a Resume Got Me Hired
The biggest question I get (by far) is "How well do your resumes [...]
The biggest question I get (by far) is "How well do your resumes [...]
The hardest part of writing a resume is knowing how to start! Learn how to write a killer executive summary from a professional resume writer.
If I had a penny for every time I told a client that [...]
I'm a professional resume writer. This means that basically, all day long, I [...]
Hey, we’ve all been there. We’re always looking for ways to break through [...]
I was sitting with a client today, and like most high achievers, he [...]
You'll find advice all over the internet about what kind of resume you should [...]
For all the Software Engineers, folks in Aerospace, Semiconductors and Mechanical Engineering - [...]
We spend, what, 40-50 years of our lives working? Who can imagine doing [...]